On the 25th of June 2021, as part of the Made in Land European project, financed by Interred Program Italy-Croatia 2014-2020, The Marche Region in cooperation with The Municipality of Muccia and with the project partner, the University of Camerino, inaugurated the new OSIC digital tourist information center, literally One Stop information Center.
Thus the pilot action was launched with the aim of improving physical and virtual accessibility to the natural and cultural assets of inland areas, enhancing them as a resource for sustainable local development. The activation of the tourist information center inside the “Mulino da Varano” in the Municipality of Muccia allows, through innovative IT and technological supports, to access goods, services and products offered by the territories of the inland areas and the upper Macerata area, with the specific purpose of enhancing the Alta Valle del Chianti as a pilot area object of the project.
Through the OSIC of Muccia it is possible for tourists to organize a travel experience in the inland areas of the Alta Valle del Chienti. Furthermore, it is also possible to carry out educational visits on site, of the Mill itself, and to be directed to other thematic points of interest in the area.